2018 Annual Summit Delegates: Easy Email List
We have created this page to encourage pre and post event communication between delegates. Live links have been disabled to avoid spamming.
Country | Company | Delegate | Email Address | Mobile Number |
Afghanistan/Kazakhstan | Goodrich | Sanju K. Mani | sanju.mani@goodrichcis.com | 77012210425 |
Argentina | Centauro | Julieta Moroni | julietamoroni@centauroarg.com.ar | 5491156206449 |
Argentina | Centauro | Elisabeth Moroni | elisabethmoroni@centauroarg.com.ar | 5491140931271 |
Argentina | FRACHT Argentina | Ingrid Schnatz | ingrid.schnatz@ar.fracht.com | 5491153849346 |
Argentina | SAB Logistica | Javier Alvarez | javier.alvarez@sab.com.ar | 47426565 |
Australia | Sadleirs Global | Brett Watkins | bwatkins@sadleirs.com.au | 61434366162 |
Australia | Sadleirs Global | Alun Powell | apowell@sadleirs.com.au | 61413629400 |
Austria | Gebrüder Weiss | Stephan Fellner | stephan.fellner@gw-world.com | 436649696500 |
Bangladesh | Conveyor Logistics | Kabir Ahmed | kabir@conveyor.com.bd | 8801711525065 |
Belgium | ABL NV | Renaud Stiers | rest@abldissaco.com | 32474234911 |
Belgium | Europe Cargo | Sven Gillemot | sven@europecargo.be | 32479979601 |
Belgium | Wirtz Shipping | Didier Wirtz | didier.wirtz@wirtz.be | 003249553000 |
Belgium | Wirtz Shipping | Shirley Chou | shirleychou@wirtz-network.com | 8613801809356 |
Brazil | CTO do Brasil | Michael Walther | michael.walther@ctonet.com | 5511996872140 |
Brazil | CTO do Brasil | Thiago Ribeiro | thiago.ribeiro@ctonet.com | 5511953598347 |
Brazil | DC Logistics | Ivo Antonio Mafra | ivo.mafra@dclogisticsbrasil.com | 5547999197690 |
Brazil | Double Star Logistics | Wilson Braun | wilsonb@doublestar.com.br | 5511976959234 |
Canada | Canaan Shipping | Samuel Wong | swong@canaangroup.ca | 6044180669 |
Canada | C.H. Robinson | Frank Guzman | frank.guzman@chrobinson.com | 7133219318 |
Canada | C.H. Robinson | Kevin Mitchell | kevin.mitchell@chrobinson.com | 4036805090 |
Canada | Convoy Logistics | Dona Asciak | donaa@convoylogistics.ca | 4166211519 |
Canada | Safesea AMI Shipping | Satish V. Anchan | svanchan@safeseagroup.com | 19084560012 |
Canada | Safesea AMI Shipping | Gazi Mazumder | gazi.m@safeseagroup.com | 18563458169 |
Canada | SCACLI | Maria Misurka | maria@scacli.ca | 19052340282 |
Chile | Integral | Linda Dalia Cordova | dalia.cordova@integralchile.com | 19547161831 |
China | Global Star Logistics | Leo Ge | leo-ge@gslcn.com | 8613917738500 |
China | Hannational Shipping | Johnson Huang | Johnsonszx@Hannational.com | 8613603063219 |
Colombia | Anker Logistica | James Ortiz | james.ortiz@ankerlogistica.com | 573212017367 |
Costa Rica** | Rex Cargo | Yalitza Gamboa | ygamboa@rexcargo.com | 50622097085 |
Costa Rica** | Rex Cargo | Victoria Burgues | vburgues@rexcargo.com | 50688939511 |
Costa Rica | SPC Logistics | Christian Ruiz | proactivity1@spclog.com | 50660532312 |
Costa Rica | SPC Logistics | Gerardo Castro | solutions1@spclog.com | 50683593220 |
Czech Republic/Albania | Livo Logistics | Petr Naceradsky | petr.naceradsky@livologistics.com | 420728416212 |
Czech Republic/Hungary | Eurogate Logistics | Adam Nagy | adam.nagy@eurogate.com | 36306383558 |
Cyprus | Zero Time Services | John Vassis | jvassis@zerotime.com.cy | 0035794200301 |
Denmark | Fairplay Shipping | Jeanet Hedegaard | jh@fairplay-shipping.dk | 4528430002 |
Dominican Republic | C Logistics Solutions | Alex Booth | AlexBooth@clssa.net | 8094300609 |
Ecuador | Schryver Del Ecuador | Wolfgang Oberer | wolfgang.oberer@schryver.com | 593963091375 |
Egypt | First Global Logistics | Khaled Sabry | management@firstgloballogistics.com | 201222180969 |
Finland | CHS Logistics | Mikko Yli-Rahko | mikko.yli-rahko@chs.fi | 358406217232 |
Finland | FREJA Transport | Tom Lunabba | tom.Lunabba@freja.fi | 358405008953 |
France | Philco International | Philippe Coadou | coadou.leh@philcofrance.com | 33607837854 |
Georgia/Netherlands | M-Star Freight Services | Nancy Van de Merlen | nancy.vandemerlen@sdsbo.com | 32477231973 |
Germany | GRUBER Logistics | Ramona Duckstein | ramona.duckstein@gruber-logistics.com | 491622551955 |
Germany | Monnard GmbH | Maik Feldhaus | maik.feldhaus@monnard.com | 49015146415646 |
Honduras | Dacotrans | Christopher Knuth | christopher.knuth@dacotrans.com.hn | 50432377610 |
Hong Kong | Parisi Grand Smooth Logistics | Helmut Horvath | helmut@parisigs.com | 85292724095 |
Hungary | TransOcean Shipping | Gabor Illes | gabor.illes@tos-ship.com | 36706354035 |
India | Express Global Logistics | Nailesh Gandhi | nailesh@expressworld.com | 919920197651 |
Indonesia | PT Perdana Transline | Arie Koesmarini | arie@perdanatrans.com | 62811339497 |
Italy | Fortune Int | Paolo Federici | paolo.federici@fortuneitaly.it | 393356174885 |
Italy | Titan Project | Federico Bartoli | fbartoli@titanproject.net | 393483187434 |
Italy | W.I.S. | Josi Morreale | chartering@gp-servizi.com | 393496029888 |
Japan | Naigai Trans Line | Sachiko Toda | sachiko@ntl-naigai.co.jp | 818035078476 |
Japan | Naigai Trans Line | Hironao Higashi | higashi-hironao@ntl-naigai.co.jp | 819085344626 |
Kuwait | ATLAS (Alghanim Freight) | Vivek Pawar | vpawar@alghanim.com | 96597284981 |
Malaysia | Kagayaku Logistics | Puvaneaish Paphitis | puvaneaish@kagayakulogistics.com | 0123661587 |
Malaysia | Tera Projects | Jagannathan Nagalingam | jagan@terashipping.com | 60122967771 |
Malaysia | Tera Projects | Brian Foong | brian@terashipping.com | 60123528808 |
Mexico | JM Logistic Services | Jorge Moran Toledo | jmoran@logisticservices.com.mx | 525546176265 |
Mexico | Kronoz Int | Luis Lasheras | luis.lasheras@kronoz.com | 528181151572 |
Mexico | Trafiver Logistics | Luis E. Aburto Lopez | luisaburto@trafiver.com | 525565806038 |
Mexico | Trafiver Logistics | Laura C. H. Montiel | coordinacion@trafiver.com | 52291582918 |
Mexico | Trafiver Logistics | Ariel Gutierrez | agutierrez@trafiver.com | 52226161951 |
Panama | INFRESERVE | Rolando Riley | pty.rriley@infreserve.com | 50765500763 |
Panama | INFRESERVE | Augusto Cascone | pty.acascone@infreserve.com | 50769833929 |
Panama | Rex Cargo | Joshua Munoz Vargas | jmunoz@rexcargo.com | 50769497590 |
Panama | Upcargo Inc | Rolando Alvarez | gerencia@upcargo.com | 50766709076 |
Panama | Upcargo Inc | Tania Rosales | panamaproject@upcargo.com | 50767949870 |
Peru | BHA Cargo Logistic | George Sanchez Henriquez | george.sanchez@bha-cargo.com | 51963540598 |
Peru | BHA Cargo Logistic | Miguel Angel Merino | miguelangel.merino@bha-cargo.com | 51963540598 |
Peru | Translogistics Solution | Alejandra Hijar | gerencia@trans-solution.pe | 51998162166 |
Philippines | AAI + Peers Inc | Roberto L. Yco Jr | roberto_yco@aai.com.ph | 639178724540 |
Philippines | Transmodal Int | Gerardo Tantoco | den@transmodalphil.com | TBA |
Poland | Scandinavian Express | Patryk Szymanski | p.szymanski@scandinavian.com.pl | 48693452152 |
Portugal/Spain | Actanis | Paulo Cunha | pcunha@actanis.com | 351962130687 |
Russia | Petrel Freight | Ilya Zaytsev | izaytsev@mac.com | 79857609992 |
Saudi Arabia | On Dot Freight | Asif Iqbal Hameed | asif@ondotfreight.com | 966504251372 |
Singapore/Thailand/UK | Central Oceans | John Hawthorn | john.hawthorn@centraloceans.com | 447799348103 |
South Africa | Afriguide Logistics | Brad Stephens | brad@afriguidelogistics.co.za | 27718906878 |
Spain | Coordinadora Int | Pablo Higueras | pvhigueras@coordinadoraetm.com | 34630986130 |
Sweden | Hecksher | Patrik Rössberger | p.rossberger@hecksher.com | 46704260206 |
Sweden | Westdijk Sweden | Roger Arvidsson | roger.arvidsson@westdijksweden.se | 46705798170 |
Sweden | Westdijk Sweden | Lasse Mattsson | lasse.mattsson@westdijksweden.se | 46734020406 |
Trinidad & Tobago | Ramps Logistics | Rudy Rampersad | rudy.rampersad@rampslogistics.com | 8686782382 |
Trinidad & Tobago | Ramps Logistics | Sachin Choon | sachin.choon@rampslogistics.com | 8686855506 |
Trinidad & Tobago | Ramps Logistics | Ramnarine Rampersad | TBA | TBA |
Turkey | BATI Shipping | Capt Caner Aydin | caner@batigroup.com.tr | 905322112187 |
United Arab Emirates | Lintas Freight | Wilson Ambooken | wilson@lintasfreight.ae | 971504574075 |
United Arab Emirates | Masstrans Freight | Shiyas Poovankavil | shiyas@masstransfreight.com | 971552246155 |
United Arab Emirates | Polaris Shipping | Rajesh Damodaran | rajesh@polarisdubai.com | 971506507304 |
United Kingdom | Brunel Project Cargo | George Horton-Redmond | g.horton@brunelprojects.co.uk | 07917363905 |
United Kingdom | PCN Head Office Guest (WiseTech) | James Celano | james.celano@wisetechglobal.com | 16309014863 |
United Kingdom | PCN Head Office Guest (HLPFI) | Ian Matheson | ian@heavyliftpfi.com | 07894406762 |
United States | Breakbulk Transportation | Darron Clay | darron@breakbulktransportation.com | 8328595707 |
United States | Express Air Freight | Edgar Ruiz | eruiz@eafusa.com | 7135053194 |
United States | LEMAN USA Inc | Christian Stocker | christian.stocker@leman.com | 2622211365 |
United States | Thunderbolt Global | Jim Shapiro | jim@thunderboltglobal.com | 4102188448 |
Venezuela | Interlogistic | Ricardo Colmenares | pbl.rcolmenares@its.co.ve | 584144254556 |
Venezuela | TotalViax | Alfredo Sanchez | alfredosanchez@totalviax.com | 50684310065 |
Vietnam | CEA Projects | Brett Malcolm | brett.malcolm@ceaprojects.com | 84906979439 |
Vietnam | Cuchi Shipping | David Duc Tuan | ndtuan@cuchishipping.com.vn | 84903833590 |
A double asterix indicates also represents El Salvador/Guatemala/Honduras/Nicaragua.