The Networking Platform for the World's Top Project Cargo Specialists

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Evidence Audit 2022

Project by Guangzhou Eversail Logistics Co Ltd

Project by Guangzhou Eversail Logistics Co Ltd

Every year we process an Evidence Audit as it is essential that only companies who have the capacity and experience to handle full scale project cargo and heavy lift shipments remain in PCN.

During the Evidence Audit, we approach all Members who have not provided submissions to our Network News section and they are required to email us photographs and a description of a recent project/heavy lift shipment that their company has handled.

Any companies who do not comply are monitored and any unsuitable companies are identified and replaced, whilst taking into account the current political and economic situations of certain countries.

The audit ensures that only companies active in our specialist sector remain in PCN.

The Evidence Audit is for PCN Head Office records only. For confidentiality reasons the submissions do not appear on our website or Digital Newsletter unless requested. Since the Evidence Audit launched, the PCN Head Office identified and replaced 31 companies who either failed our Evidence Audit or did not commit to PCN enough to attend our annual networking event.

At the end of 2022, an impressive 93% of Members passed our Evidence Audit.

We ask all Members to take photographs and keep records of a suitable shipment, so that they can be provided when asked so please distribute this information around your office. If you have any questions, please email

Together with our Quality Control Survey, we ensure that only the top industry specialists retain PCN membership.

“Making our network stronger”